Procedures and safety rules applied in connection with the COVID-19 virus at the "Pod Różami" company
🕖 The HOTEL from 04/05/2020 , in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health, is available to all guests, with all the recommended safety rules and personal protective equipment.
- The hotel may stay at the same time max. 20 guests.
- It is strictly forbidden to stay at the hotel by people who are not accommodated in it.
- In designated places there are dispensers with disinfectant liquid with instructions for proper disinfection.
- The method of serving meals to hotel guests takes place in a take-away form.
- Staff / service is equipped with face masks and protective gloves.
- Communication between employees and service with guests maintaining a safe distance of min. 1.5 m
- We recommend card payments.
- You can buy a reusable mask at the hotel reception.
- We advise against using the common areas of the hotel, such as a lounge terrace.
- All contact surfaces on the hotel premises (door handles, handrails, switches, reception desk, payment terminal, etc.) are regularly disinfected.
- Hotel rooms are cleaned and disinfected after each stay in the room. Disinfection mainly concerns the bathroom, countertops, contacts / switches, door handles, remote control, chair backs.
- Each time after cleaning, the room is thoroughly aired.
- We also recommend that guests ventilate the hotel room during the day (especially if guests stay at the hotel for several days)
- If guests wish, it is possible to clean and disinfect the room during the stay. (applies only to stays longer than 4 days)
- In the event of coronavirus symptoms, a hotel Guest is immediately isolated from a room / room intended for this purpose. A procedure to be followed in case of infection is being implemented, in line with the recommendations of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate. All rooms in which the Guest stayed are disinfected.
🕖 RESTAURANT - orders for outside restaurant guests take place, menu at www.pod-rozami.com.pl
- we recommend paying by credit card
- telephone orders 501-044-752
- collection of orders in the restaurant (at the front of the building)
From May 18, 2020
We have provided hand disinfectants for guests at the entrance - please use them
Please wait at the entrance for the staff who will take you to the disinfected table.
Waiter service is equipped with masks and a liquid for disinfecting hands. They disinfect their hands each time after the service is performed.
We ensured a safe, 2-meter distance between the tables.
Tables excluded from use are appropriately marked.
We kindly ask you to take off your masks only after taking your seats at the table.
Orders can only be placed with the waiter at the table, we do not go to the bar.
Flowers, tablecloths and cutlery were removed from the room. The cutlery will be issued directly to the order.
Orders are delivered on trays that are washed / disinfected each time after use.
Takeout orders are issued at the counter / bar in bags.
We disinfect all common areas as often as possible.
Hand blow dryers in bathrooms are closed, we encourage you to use disposable towels.
A family or people living in the same household can stay at one table. Otherwise, single people should sit at the table, unless the distance between them is at least 1.5 m and they are not sitting facing each other.
We adhere to the assumption that the room cannot contain more than 1 person per 4m2 . The employee controls the maximum number of guests staying in the restaurant.
We put information on the door about the maximum number of guests (25 people)
While waiting for entry, please keep a safe distance of 2 meters (except for families).
Each time we disinfect the tables after completing the service. After the disinfection is finished, mark the table with the inscription: "disinfected".
As far as possible, we keep the restaurant rooms aired.
The toilets have instructions on how to wash your hands, disinfect your hands, remove and put on gloves, remove and put on a mask
We encourage you to reserve tables early and arrive on time. We accept reservations by phone: 501-044-752, 533-895-545.
On Weekends, we only accept reservations for tables for 2 hours.
🕖 Reservations for ORGANIZED EVENTS (birthdays / name days, weddings, communions, etc.) - we will do everything to transfer the reservations made in our premises to another date convenient for you.If you already know the newly appointed date, write / call us - we will sign annexes to of the current agreement and we will keep our fingers crossed that everything is back to normal by then
🕖 TOP MARKET STORE gives you the option of shopping by submitting a shopping list online. To do shopping, fill out the form at www.pod-rozami.com.pl/sklep. If the product you ordered is not in stock, we will contact you by phone to propose a replacement - therefore it is important to provide your telephone number. If you have any questions, please call: 531 575 383
Delivery (the next day after the order is placed between 12:00-19:00) only for people over 70 years of age. We deliver purchases up to 12 km from the Top Market (Radomska 49, Jedlnia-Letnisko) cost 7 PLN
Own collection
all orders will be ready for pickup after 12:00 the next day. There are two lines at the entrance: to the store and to pick up orders.
Health and safety come first. We believe coming soon
we will be able to host you in our humble doors.