Projects financed from EU funds
Archival queries
Inquiry from October 10, 2017
We invite you to submit offers for the development and verification of the theoretical assumptions of the innovative product - organic-mineral fertilizer under the project co-financed from the funds of the Regional Operational Program of the Masovian Voivodeship 2014-2020 under Measure 1.2 Research and development activities of enterprises, type of projects - Innovation voucher
Request for quotation.pdf
Annex 1 - Offer form.doc
Annex 2. - Declaration of compliance with the conditions.doc
Annex 3- Declaration of no connection.doc
Added on 10.10.2017
We hereby inform you that the contractor of the service has been
Warsaw University of Life Sciences.
Added October 19, 2017
Inquiry from July 12, 2017
We invite you to submit offers for the development and verification of assumptions
theoretical innovative product - organic-mineral fertilizer
as part of a project co-financed from funds
Regional Operational Program of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship
2014-2020 as part of
Activities 1.2. Research and development of enterprises,
type of projects - Innovation voucher
Annex 2. - Declaration of compliance with the conditions.doc
Annex 3- Declaration of no connection.doc
Added on 25.07.2017
Added on 12.07.2017
Note: the request for quotation has been annulled (letter in the tab: EU projects, information from 09.10.2017)
Inquiry from April 18, 2017
We invite you to submit offers for cooperation
as part of a project co-financed with:
Actions 3.1. Improving the development of SMEs in Mazovia, Sub-measure 3.1.2
SME development - type of projects "Support for running and developing business activity by providing vouchers for consultancy"
as part of the Regional Operational Program of the Voivodeship
Mazowiecki 2014-2020.
Please read the attachments to make an offer:
We hereby inform you that the contractor for the service was the FIRE Innovation Center Foundation.